"Animated tale" a fine collection of video APP interactive teaching children character cultivate digital content of the story animation discs, animated, according to "Childrens Book" series first published in Taiwan Gospel Book Room "When I was a little baby" as content produced. Full range includes twelve themes: hospitality, clean, gentle, peace, humility, tolerance, joy, confidence, kindness, longsuffering, obedience, temperance, a total of four stories each theme. Content-rich, intellectual interest, allows users to watch and listen to the story apart, in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyable in Mongolia was inspired by the life and practical exercises and develop good character. For Android smartphones and Android tablet to be played with, or even in conjunction with cable connectors, the wide-screen TV broadcast.Description: This APP is the cloud version, to be played online. In addition, special needs, have to provide "download mode", please point APP "Page Setup" to adjust, you can play offline after downloading. Recommend the use of high-speed memory card (recommended specifications Class 10 or more high-speed memory card).